Sunday, November 1, 2015

Read to Feed Fundraiser Starts Today!!!

We have been truly inspired by Ryan's story (see previous post) and want to help other children with their right to healthy food. The first grade students at TAISM are participating in a program from Heifer International called Read to Feed and we need your help! 

"Read to Feed is a reading incentive service-learning program that offers global education opportunities and will foster in children a love for reading, a passion to help others and a motivation to help create a better world." (Read to Feed Website)

Today, students brought home a large envelope marked Read to Feed. Please be sure to read the parent letters on the front and back of the envelope and help your child find sponsors. 

We are starting the program today and ending on November 12th. The Reading Log in your child's Take Home Folder will take the place of your child's current reading log. (I have the current reading logs and will return those on November 15th.) Students will bring in the Read to Feed log each day until November 12th. Students will continue to bring home one new book each night to read to you. There are ten bookmarks included in the envelope for your child to give to their sponsors. If you need more, please let me know.

Tomorrow, we are going to discuss what our goal is. Will we decide to purchase a cow, a goat, some chickens, or even sending a child to school? Click on the Read to Feed Website link above to find out more.

Thank you in advance for your help with this project. We feel confident that we can reach the goal we set!



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