Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ghala Hike Adventure

We had a wonderful time on our hike and hot spring field trip! Thank you to these fabulous parent chaperones: Aaron, Monika, Claudia, Wendy, and Amanda. Your help was much appreciated!

If you were not able to join us on their field trip, keep in mind that we have three field trips in February for which you can volunteer. Here are some pics from this adventure:

Mr. Everett taught us about the natural hot spring...

We saw goats up high (the white blobs!) before we even started the hike...

We learned about a falaj which is a channel that is dug into the earth and used to distribute water. Sometimes the water originates from a hot spring and sometimes a falaj carries water from a pond or running water. There are thousands in Oman! To learn more, click here: 

Getting ready to start the hike...
Valdemar finds a piece of pottery...

The ascent...

Not quite to the top yet. Here's the beautiful view...

As we hiked, we talked about the different colors of the rocks and the beautiful "pokey" tree branches. We thought this rock formation looked like a turtle... 

Snack time at the top...

During our adventure, we were like scientists and collected notes in our Field Notes Journal. Take a look at some great examples...

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