Saturday, April 9, 2016

New Student Work

Before we left for Spring Break, students posted their opinion writing projects on the student blog. As we worked on this introduction to the writing unit, we learned how to state an opinion and support the opinion with reasons and examples. We even learned how to write a piece that disagrees with an opinion but does so in an appropriate way supported by details. Students brought in a collection from home at the beginning of the unit. They used this collection to write opinion pieces. Their published work is about their favorite item and their least favorite item from their collections. Take a look by selecting the link to the right titled "1MW Superstar Student Work."

We will continue our writing unit the next few weeks and will be reviewing the writing process of planning, writing, revising, editing, and sharing. We will also continue to work on adding details and using conventions such as end punctuation and the appropriate use of lower case and capital letters. We will do this through review writing as we review restaurants, movies, toys, books, and many other things we know a lot about!

We have also been learning how to write online comments about the work our classmates have published on the blog. Please feel free to comment on our work!

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