Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tomorrow is Day 5

Tomorrow (Monday), March 28th, will be a Day 5. As usual, students will need to dress for P.E. We continue to have P.E. outside so it is important that students are prepared for this by having their hats and water bottles each day.

Also, there is no school this Thursday due to Spring Break. School will begin again on Sunday, April 10th, and it will be a Day 2.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

A successful Book Week!

A big "Thank you" to Busola (Timi's mom), Jennifer (Kara's mom), Suzanne (Stella's mom), and Madhavi (Jash's mom) for being our guest mystery readers. We enjoyed hearing the stories you selected for us!

Wednesday was Book Character Dress Up Day! We were visited by Spiderman, 2 Batmans, a Candy Kid from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Waldo from Where's Waldo, Sleeping Beauty, Pocahontas, Catwoman, Lego Kid, Captain America, Dinosaur from Danny and the Dinosaur, Ben 10, Cinderella, and Purplicious.

Here we are...acting like our characters!

At 11:40, it was "Stop, Drop, and Read" time. Check it out:

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Book Week Events

Book Week is this week!
Read the flyers below for more information about the different activities
we’ll be participating in throughout the week.

Publishing Celebration Photos

Take a look at our Publishing Celebration!
Parents worked hard on their "homework" for the day...providing feedback on a nonfiction chapter book checklist. Students loved all the positive comments and praise for a job well done!

A fantastic time was had by all!
Thanks again for making our celebration a huge success!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New Student Work Posted

Thank you for joining us for the Publishing Celebration. I've had some difficulty getting the photos together, but have figured it out so I'll be posting them soon! 

In the meantime, please enjoy the students' slideshow recordings of their books. They did a fabulous job of reading fluently with expression using a clear voice. Select the "1MW Superstar Student Work" link to the right to learn from our nonfiction chapter books!