Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Bears, Bears, Bears!

Over the past few weeks in math, we have been working with numbers to 10. We have put numbers together while adding up to 10 and we have taken numbers 1-10 apart while working to understand the words "total" and "parts" within number bonds. We have also been solving number stories. Today, we had a lot of fun telling and acting out number stories with plastic bears. Here are some we love. Can you solve these number stories?

Jash and Mohamed
6 bears were stuck in the mud. 2 bears were walking. How many bears were there?

Lenny and Ignacio
6 bears were on the water slide. 2 bears were buying ice cream. How many bears were at the water park?

Isla and Karma
5 bears were eating Jello. 5 more joined them. How many bears were there at the end?

Jad and Kenzo
2 bears were eating a pencil. 6 bears joined. How many bears were eating the pencil? 

Stella and Riana
6 bears were at a play date. 2 bears stopped by. How many bears were at the play date?

Ellen and Hussein
5 bears were running. 5 bears joined in. How many bears are running?

Kara, Sid Ali, and Francesca
6 bears were playing in the snow. 2 more joined them. How many bears are there altogether?

Tony and Caris
5 bears were going to the ice cream store. 5 more came. How many were eating ice cream?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Class Promise

For the first few weeks of first grade, we have been working on building a caring community of learners. My students and I brainstormed rules that should be in place so everyone can learn and do their best. We also discussed reasons for students to follow rules at school and we created a Classroom Promise. We drew self-portraits to glue to the promise poster. Finally, we signed our names by our self-portraits yesterday as a promise to try our hardest to follow the rules.

Check it out:

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pictures tomorrow!

Just a reminder that yearbook photos are tomorrow (Monday, September 28th) for Grade 1. All students need to wear their TAISM uniform. There is no PE on this day so students will not need to change in to anything. 

Also, as the weather cools down the students will be able to play soccer on the field instead of on the basketball courts (due to the shade). For any children to play on the soccer field, they will need to bring a hat to wear. No children will be allowed onto the field without a hat. 

Can't wait to see all those beautiful first grade smiles tomorrow!

Ms. Michelle

Homework Starts Tonight

Today you will find a Reading Log and a classroom book in your child's Take Home Folder. This marks the beginning of first grade reading homework. I showed students how to fill out the log so they should be able to write their names at the top, the book title, and the "checks" to record the number of times read.

I check the Reading Log each morning and, if the parent has checked and initialed in the appropriate boxes, the student may select another book. If not, I'll assume this means that they didn't get a chance to share it at home the previous night, so I'll send home the same book again. 

Please remember that the books that are sent home will be at your child's independent level. Students should not have to struggle through the book. However, if they struggle with 1-3 words, it's okay to help out!

Soon, I'll post some discussion questions that you may ask before, during, and after reading. For now, just sit back and enjoy your child's superb reading!

Happy reading!
Ms. Michelle

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Friendly Reminder...

If you have not sent in headphones for your child, please do so at some point next week. We will be using them soon with iPads.
